
Showing posts from June, 2024

LO1: prelim collage magazine

 prelim  indesign is used to make books and magazines  contents and DPS will be played out in Indesighn  edit assets in photoshop  collum gutter is the spacing between the slits of the columns  a slug is used to bookmark different articles in your magazine  bleed the tolerance aloowense given to the printers to print your pages without compromising the layout image to fit selected box  use text tool line it up to columns copy and paste text box click the red box at the bottom right to insert spilled text  right click image, effects, drop shadow 

LO4: Evaluation

Front cover I have  met the brief  by creating the front cover of a new magazine aimed at a Sheffield audience that has all been  originally produced by myself created on desktop publishing software. I have been able to produce a proposal with sample materials for an original media product to a client brief, plan and develop pre-production materials for an original media product to a client brief, create production materials for an original media product to a client brief and carry out post-production techniques and processes for an original media product to a client brief. I met my proposal ideas by creating an aesthetically cozy magazine that will  entertain the viewers in their free time and provide information and  promote and advertise different local artistry business and events in Sheffield for the reader  to enjoy, advertise their product and business in and learn from as a relaxing activity.   I appealed to my audience of  ABC1 women aged 35-50  by  featuring middle aged wom

LO4: Final product


LO4: Exporting final magazine pages

LO3: Following codes and conventions

UTOPIA Arts fits into real magazine  codes and conventions of the small art business genre and targets audience of middle aged women because: Front cover The Photos I will use on my front cover features middle aged women that the reader can relate to and are encouraged to view them as an ideal self to do this I have taken Laura Mulvey's male gaze theory into consideration and subverted the male gaze by dressing my model appropriately. As the model's costume is an apron and hoodie it's relates to art genre and is also relatable to the target audience as hoodies are a mainstream clothing item. I have followed magazine codes and conventions with my main image a nd secondary image  as I have featured a smiling mid shot of my model's on the front cover, used complimentary colours and as my focal point is sharing the eye line with the viewer it engages them to read the magazine. The lighting in my magazine is also a convention in art and small business magazines as warm dayl

LO2: Fonts, graphics, house style colours

Fonts The Font I chose 'Baskerville Old Face' is  suitable for my target audience as it has connotations of being  mature,  c lean, stylish and easy to read. Having a clean simplistic font will represent the brand of  UTOPIA  Arts as timeless and well though out. Graphics As I am targeting small  art  business owners they stereotypically enjoy greenery and are interested in the plant life that can help to support climate change. That is why I chose to use leaf graphics on my front cover, but it is also because plant life connotes relaxation and calm representing my magazine as something that would be calming to read. House style colours I chose Yellow as it connotes happiness and the sun. And Green as it connotes nature, movement and suggests forward thinking. My  audience will find this colour pallet intriguing and appealing as sage green is currently popular in the media today. I also chose black on white as it is simple and classic.

LO2: Visual styles and themes moodboard

Front cover  Contents DPS

LO2: Annotated visualization diagrams
