LO4: Evaluation

Front cover

I have met the brief by creating the front cover of a new magazine aimed at a Sheffield audience that has all been originally produced by myself created on desktop publishing software. I have been able to produce a proposal with sample materials for an original media product to a client brief, plan and develop pre-production materials for an original media product to a client brief, create production materials for an original media product to a client brief and carry out post-production techniques and processes for an original media product to a client brief.

I met my proposal ideas by creating an aesthetically cozy magazine that will entertain the viewers in their free time and provide information and promote and advertise different local artistry business and events in Sheffield for the reader to enjoy, advertise their product and business in and learn from as a relaxing activity.  

I appealed to my audience of ABC1 women aged 35-50 by featuring middle aged women on my front cover so that the reader can relate to the model and are encouraged to view them as an ideal self, to do this I have taken Laura Mulvey's male gaze theory into consideration and subverted the male gaze by dressing my model appropriately in mainstream clothing item so that it is relatable to the target audience. Stereotypically an ABC1 audience is more intellectual meaning they will want to read a magazine that has allot of text and more dense wording. Because of this I included many cover lines and richer more complex wording. The artwork I chose in the secondary image of my front cover is a stereotypically femenin butterfly displayed to stereotypically target my female readers.

I met my proposal ideas and appealed to my genre of  'small local arts business' by following codes and conventions of the genre such as presenting artwork on my front cover, advertised local 'events' in Sheffield, selecting topics of interest to business owners and artists on the cover lines, choosing a small art business for my main cover story and having a minimalist aesthetic.

Contents page 

