
Showing posts from March, 2024

LO2: Gaining permissions

 Emails exchanged with Fired Up and Painting:   

LO2: Call sheets


LO2: Risk assessments and Recce forms


LO2: Photoshoot plans

Intended ideas for my magazine's Front cover Contents DPS

LO2: Legal and ethical issues

Obscene Publications Act , its illegal to publish content that may negatively impact readers make shore content is not offensive and is appropriate for the audience. I am creating an small business art magazine,my audience is a ABC1 audience aged 35-50, my audience is 89% female and 11% male, because of theses statistics to relate to my audience I will use female models this means the audience will not want to see the models through a stereotypical male gaze and instead I will depict my models as an ideal self so that my audience can aspire to be like them. My models will subvert stereotypes of women so that my audience have positive role models that are powerful businesses owners, they will be represented as hard working while having emotions, families and values instead of stereotypes that label women as overemotional and therefore incapable of running a business/ working to a great standard, they wont be sole maternal carers that stay at home while there partner works. To represen

LO2: Gantt chart


LO2 Production schedules


L01: analysis of a magazine


LO1, Task 2: Sample materials


LO1: Proposal

Purpose The purpose for UTOPIA Arts is to entertain the viewers in their free time and provide information to enjoy and learn from as a relaxing activity. Another purpose for my magazine is to promote and advertise different local artistry business and events in Sheffield.             Form and Genre Utopia Arts is a magazine local to Sheffield this is because I want readers to use the magazine to network and advertise their business to the people located closest to them. The  genre of UTOPIA Arts is 'local arts business' this means the magazine will be focused on small business in the area off Sheffield that are in the production of different types of art.        Content                                 Front Cover The Masthead of my magazine is called UTOPIA Arts it is in a serif style font with leaf graphics on the 'A' in green connoting nature, peace and positivity reflecting the magazines values as a peace of media used to entertain and relax the viewer on art relate