
Showing posts from September, 2023

LO1 Examples of Real Magazines

 Front covers - small business genre  inc. - magazine  success - magazine  fast company - magazine  content pages  double page spreads  fast company - double page  spread  no more than 500  words  1. what I like/ strengths I have found: good mis-en-sen, bold colours that draw the eye, clear typography, good quality images, consistent typography colour, use of graphics, icons and buzz words, pops of bold colours in the content pages used to draw the eye, use of borders, iconography, the font colour stands out from the background.  2. common themes in the small business genre: one mid-shot Picture of a business owner on the front cover is very common. The picture of the business owner on the front cover appeals to there target audience because they may be able to relate and identify with them.  Small chunks of text on the front cover advertise what's in the magazine this appeals to people with a small amount of time (business people) because they can quickly find if the magazine ha

LO1 Media ownership

Media Ownership  subsidiary company - conglomerate  21st century fox - conglomerate      subsidiaries of 21st century fox : TV, Film, newspaper  A conglomerate is a company that controls/ owns other companies.  Cross media ownership: owns/ can control more than one media type. Advantages of being a conglomerate more options in terms of how they advertise  monopoly over the content that audiences aces external company's are not needed to hire (they can produce the product themselves) they can make more money by appealing to different audiences  audience becomes mass/ wide Vertical integration/ value chain :  produced - pre production - production (filming) - post production (editing) distribution -  getting it out to platforms  - streaming services -  advertising and marketing exchange/ exhibition - audiences view / access the product  Horizontal integration  (an effect of having vertical integration) horizontal integration  -  the ability to be able  to distribute products on diffe